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Tech Manifest

Tech Manifest
Tech Manifest

What is the Tech Manifest?

The Tech Manifest is a national movement supported by schools, startups and tech communities. Through its three values and 11 principles, it aims to reduce the effects of labor shortages in the technology area, advocating the hiring of inexperienced developers to help the growth and sustainability of the Brazilian technology market.

And why did Actionsys sign the Manifest?

Actionsys signed the manifesto because it is a company that was born with these same values and principles.

How can we prove?

We have our Annual Internship Program, a hands-on professional training program that allows for the structured development of hard and soft skills, working on real projects.

34% of our employees were trained by us

Many of our interns and juniors are now seniors, specialists and leaders, within Actionsys or outside it.

We support Diversity

We are composed of diverse people, from our board and we have a Diversity Committee to execute strategic actions in the company.

Our employees love to teach and share so many of our trainings are done by them.

We have a humanized shutdown policy

Before the actual dismissal occurs, we give the employee a period of support and/or coaching so that he or she has one more opportunity to reach their goals and remain with us.

Did it match? So #BeAction!

Register in our Talent Bank.

By registering your resume in our talent bank, the information will be available for future opportunities. Check out our privacy privacy polities.

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